Take Care of Your Instrument

Take Care of Your Instrument

Have you ever wondered how children learn on the same instrument as other family members instead of having to buy a new one? Chances are it is because the instrument was well cared for. Whether you have a guitar, violin, piano, ukulele, or just a singer in your...
Practice Resolutions

Practice Resolutions

When you think “New Year” — more often than not it is followed by the word “resolution”. This is the time of year when people young and old reflect on the last year, and how we can change things for the better in the new year PRACTICE...
The Buzz About Group Piano Lessons

The Buzz About Group Piano Lessons

Why do parents want their children to learn an instrument? Because research has shown the huge connections between music and math, increased IQ, creativity, and overall “brain power.” But what do KIDS want? They want to have fun. To be social. To be PART...
Kindermusik the “right” way

Kindermusik the “right” way

What’s the “right” way to enjoy Kindermusik with your little one?  The short answer? There is no “right” way to enjoy music! Every child, every family is different. And that’s a beautiful thing. We all come together to enjoy singing, dancing, instrument play, rhymes...
Managing Meltdowns with Music

Managing Meltdowns with Music

ABRACADABRA! When music can help manage a meltdown… that is where the magic happens! Music is often thought of simply as entertainment, but its power as a conjurer of emotions is undeniable. You probably have that song that transports you right back to your...
Music for Babies

Music for Babies

You already know that music is one of your baby’s favorite things, right? After all, you are the parent! You see how your wee one responds to music. A giggle, eyes wide open, perhaps some babbling. But did you know that it’s also one of the best things for his...

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